The latest news from Maryland Thai BoxingTraining in the Park!
We are now back to regular 2 day a week training in an outdoor setting. We meet on Thursday at 6:30 PM and Sunday at 10:30 am. We do 45 minutes to and hour of Muay Thai/ JKD and then 45 minutes to an hour of Filipino Martial Arts. We are meeting at Meadowbrook Park in Ellicott City, Behind the athletic complex. We do require masks during training. If you are comfortable training in an outdoor environment using the safest practices we can, please e-mail at or and we will get you started.
Ajarn Chai seminar June 29 & 30 Columbia Maryland
Hey Everyone,
Maryland Thai Boxing will be hosting Ajarn Chai for a 2 day seminar here in Maryland this June 29th and 30th.
Don’t miss this opportunity to train with the man who personally brought Muay thai to the USA.
See the attached flyer for all the details. Please get your registrations in early. Hope to see you there!!
Holiday Gift Certificates
Happy Holidays!!
We now have Holiday gift certificates for our Intro Program (2 classes for $20) or for 1 month of training in our Regular program (2 classes per week for 1 month for $120). If you are interested in buying a Gift Certificate, please e-mail us at’s an awesome gift to start the new year!!
New Lunch-Box classes
We have added 2 new Lunch time classes. They are on Monday and Wednesday at 11:45am! these classes are open to all students. We know that there have been a few people this year that wanted to train, but can only do it during the day.
So, here we go!!
2017 Class schedule!!
We are very excited to start our new Defensive Edge Program. This is a street oriented program combining the most effective techniques from Muay Thai, Kali-Silat, Jujustu, and JKD. This curriculum mirrors our Muay thai program in the beginning, teaching super effective striking. And then starts adding the essential street techniques from these other awesome arts.
Here is the 2017 class schedule:
SUNDAY : 10 – 11 Beginner Def Edge/Thai
11 – 12 Defensive Edge (Striking to Grappling)
12 – 1 Thai Boxing – Intermediate only *
Tuesday : 7:30 – 8:30 Thai Boxing
8:30 – 9:30 Defensive Edge (Weapons to Empty hands)
WEDNESDAY : 7 – 8 Beginner Def Edge/Thai
8 – 8:30 Open Gym
THURSDAY : 7:15 – 8:15 Thai Boxing (all Levels)
8:15 – 9:15 pm Thai Boxing (all Levels)
Please e-mail us at before January 15th for a free gift certificate for 2 Intro classes!! We will get you started!
E-mail issue
There seems to be an issue with our e-mail. If you are trying to contact us please e-mail me at
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Khun Kru Caro drilling a Combo!!
Great time in class!!
Demo from Clarrel Pope’s stunt workshop!!
Demo from Clarrel Pope’s stunt workshop!!

Tuesday Kali Action
Tuesday Kali action!!